Training in the Responsible Conduct of Researech


  1. What is the background behind this training requirement?

    NSF 软培训 Requirement implements provisions of the America COMPETES Act. The NSF RCR guidelines are published at 第一部分-拨款建议指南 而在 Part II – Award and Administration Guide.

  2. NSF有RCR FAQ网站吗?

    NSF维护一个RCR常见问题解答网站 Responsible Conduct of 研究 常见问题.

  3. When does this training requirement go into effect?

    软培训 Requirement is effective on those NSF research awards funding new full proposals submitted to the NSF on or after January 4, 2010.

  4. 谁必须完成RCR培训?

    NSF要求所有本科生, 研究生 and postdocs who receive NSF support (salary and/or stipend) to conduct research be provided training in the Responsible Conduct of 研究.

  5. 非盟的职责是什么?

    At the time of a NSF proposal submission, the 办公室 研究及创意奖学金 certifies that bet365中文大学 has a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduates, 研究生, and postdoctoral researchers who will be supported by NSF to conduct research.

    bet365中文大学 must be able to verify that under研究生, 研究生, and postdoctoral researchers supported by NSF to conduct research have received 软培训.

  6. 非盟的RCR培训计划是什么?

    根据NSF的要求, bet365中文大学 requires all students and postdocs conducting research and paid (salary and/or stipend) directly from a NSF sponsored project to complete the 软培训 through the NIH Training. NIH培训是在线免费的.

    • 研究 Misconduct • Data Acquisition and Management • Responsible Authorship • Peer Review • Laboratory Animal Welfare • Human Subjects Protections • Mentoring • Conflicts of Interest • Collaborative 研究

    有关签名pdf版本,请参阅 非盟的RCR培训计划

  7. Where do you go to Log-in, Register and Complete 软培训?

    点击超链接到 导航 Instruction to NIH on-line 软培训.

  8. How does AU verify completion of 软培训?

    Each student and postdoc who is paid (salary and/or stipend) directly from a NSF sponsored project will be notified by email that they must take the NIH on-line 软培训. The email will provide instructions and navigation to XXXXXwhich will be the gateway to NIH RCR培训.

    The University will track and verify 软培训 completion of students and postdocs using the XXXX system.

  9. What are the Principal Investigator’s Responsibilities?

    Principal Investigator’s (PIs) do not need to document anything in the proposal on 软培训. 研究办公室 & Creative Scholarship (ORCS)SP certifies to the NSF that 软培训 is provided when submitting a proposal.

    PIs of NSF sponsored projects are encouraged to complete the NIH on-line 软培训 and have RCR discussions with their students and postdocs.

    ORCS will call on PIs to help direct students and postdocs to Login, Register and complete the 软培训.

  10. How many times will a student or postdoc need to take 软培训 for a NSF grant?

    AU’s will require that you take the 软培训 once.

  11. Do volunteers on an NSF project require 软培训?

    Volunteers are not required to take the AU 软培训. The NSF regulation and AU’s implementation only requires students and postdocs who are paid directly (salary and/or stipend) from a NSF sponsored project conducting research to take the AU 软培训.

  12. Will AU accept 软培训 received from another Institution?

    AU will not accept 软培训 received from another Institution. You will be required to take AU’s 软培训.

  13. When does 软培训 need to be completed?

    学生 and postdocs who are paid (salary and/or stipend) directly from a NSF Sponsored project will be notified by email to complete the 软培训 through the NIH on-line service provider.

    The expectation is all students and postdocs find time immediately upon receipt of the email notification to log-in, register and complete the AU 软培训.

    The email notification will continue every 2 weeks with the Principal Investigator copied until the 软培训 is completed.

  14. What happens when a student or postdoc cannot or did not complete the 软培训?

    The expectation is all students and postdocs will take the 软培训. ORCS will have the ability to track students and postdocs that do not complete 软培训. In those cases ORCS will contact the individuals directly as well as contact the Principal Investigator for assistance.

    If there are circumstances that prevent a student or postdoc from taking the 软培训, 学生, 博士后和/或PI应通知 Mordekai Ongo, 研究 Integrity and Compliance Officer, as soon as possible.

  15. Who at AU can be contacted with questions about the NSF 软培训 Requirement?

    有问题可直接问 Mordekai Ongo, 研究 Integrity and Compliance Officer.